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The best standing desk of 2022

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 FEZIBO l shaped standing desk came along
sit stand desk

Why do I need a standing desk?

It’s common knowledge that sitting is “the new smoking” with many of us averaging over 9 hours a day sitting at a desk. In fact, according to fastcodesign.com, “85% of workers experience discomfort on the job” especially in situations where they aren’t able to change postures during the day. As more companies began to focus on improving wellbeing in the workplace, it’s no wonder that sit-stand desks (or stand-up desks or sit-to-stand desks or height adjustable desks) are becoming increasingly popular.

standup desk 

First of all, we should note that standing all day can be just as harmful as sitting all day. The best option is to change postures intermittently, moving often from sitting to standing and even perching at a stool height counter. The ideal candidate for a sit stand desk is generally someone who is tied to a computer or phone at a desk and can’t easily get up to switch postures.

Another important consideration is the way in which you execute the roll out of best standing desk in your office.  You could go all out (if you have the means) and give everyone a height adjustable desk, but often this is not feasible. A practical option is setting up shared sit-stand workstations throughout the office for people to use as needed.

What to look for when shopping for a standing desk

If you’re ready to buy a standing desk, these are some key factors to consider:

Size and appearance: First things first, the standing desk you choose should not only fit your home office space but the desk model itself should be suited to your height. Be sure to check the desk's maximum height if you are considered tall, since some desktops may not be high enough to comfortably use while standing flat-footed in your office.

Also ask yourself: Is the desk deep enough for me, and what shape do I need? We saw a range of models in our research — some desks are narrower than others, and some are L-shaped. Consider the surface dimensions you'll need to fit all of your office essentials, such as a monitor (or two), laptop, mouse, keyboard, a coffee mug, notepad, etc. Ensure your standing desktop has enough space for everything without feeling cluttered, while also not exceeding any weight limits on the desk itself.

Adjustability: Ease of adjustability is key, and for the most part, our experts found electronic operation easier than manual. Though you can find some manually operated standing desks at a great value, we believe that being able to adjust your desk height with the press of a button makes you more likely to alternate between sitting and standing.

You should also consider motor output and noise. Not all standing desks use the same motor, so we recommend choosing one that works for you. If you plan on frequently adjusting, choose a motor that is quieter and capable of quickly lowering or raising the desk.

Ease of assembly: Standing desks typically aren't light, so pay careful attention to delivery style and any installation instructions. Some desks are more cumbersome to put together and may require two people.

Customization: Though you can buy a standing desk as is, some offer more room for customization than others. Does the desk have a range of desktop sizes to choose from? Various finishes to match your furniture? Can the legs be customized? Are there any accessories included or possible add-ons?

Durability and stability: A well-made standing desk should be durable and is expected to last several years, but it's always wise to check the manufacturer's warranty. Your desk should also be stable, meaning that it doesn't sway if you lean your elbows against it and there's not much shaking or moving when the height is adjusted.


What are the health benefits of a standing desk?

Multiple studies support the benefits of standing desk, which include increased productivity and lowering your risk of adverse health conditions caused by sedentary habits. Another study published by the CDC found that use of a sit-stand desk reduced upper back and neck pain by 54% after just 4 weeks. Additionally, people who use standing desks report feeling like they have more energy throughout the day. Standing for a few hours every day can improve the quality of your work day, which in turn improves the quality of your life.

FEZIBO height adjustable desk are not just stand-up inspirations but some standard rectangular desks, there are endless possibilities! 

The best low-cost stand up desk on the planet

FEZIBO is one of the best electric standing desk that benefits from top-notch build quality and prides itself on stability. An issue which can be found with some standing desks is that they might be a bit wobbly, particularly when extended to higher levels. Uplift is nicely stable, though, thanks to built-in stability braces.

Ever since FEZIBO l shaped standing desk came along and set a new benchmark for standing desks, a lot of inferior imitations have appeared. Many of them, unsurprisingly, have had price points lower than Jarvis. We took this as a challenge: could we create a standing desk that’s more accessible to budget-conscious customers without sacrificing quality? The answer, it turned out, was yes. And the result was FEZIBO,An l shaped standing desk.

One thing we knew from the start: we refused to reduce the desk to a single motor. Each lifting column on FEZIBO has its own dedicated motor which is key to providing a powerful, smooth, and stable lift when adjusting your desk height.

With a clean design and functionality as simple as it gets, FEZIBO height adjustable desk  fits right into the flow of any office, home, or dorm room. It’s a desk that enables you to sit, stand, lean, and stretch throughout the day, keeping you moving, engaged, and loving how you feel while you work.

FEZIBO height adjustable desk is topped with our beautiful, eco-friendly bamboo desktops. From top to frame, we've streamlined assembly to make it possible for you to have your desk up and running in fifteen minutes.

Why do I need a standing desk?

It’s common knowledge that sitting is “the new smoking” with many of us averaging over 9 hours a day sitting at a desk. In fact, according to fastcodesign.com, “85% of workers experience discomfort on the job” especially in situations where they aren’t able to change postures during the day. As more companies began to focus on improving wellbeing in the workplace, it’s no wonder that sit-stand desks (or stand-up desks or sit-to-stand desks or height adjustable desks) are becoming increasingly popular.

standup desk 

First of all, we should note that standing all day can be just as harmful as sitting all day. The best option is to change postures intermittently, moving often from sitting to standing and even perching at a stool height counter. The ideal candidate for a sit stand desk is generally someone who is tied to a computer or phone at a desk and can’t easily get up to switch postures.

Another important consideration is the way in which you execute the roll out of best standing desk in your office.  You could go all out (if you have the means) and give everyone a height adjustable desk, but often this is not feasible. A practical option is setting up shared sit-stand workstations throughout the office for people to use as needed.

What to look for when shopping for a standing desk

If you’re ready to buy a standing desk, these are some key factors to consider:

Size and appearance: First things first, the standing desk you choose should not only fit your home office space but the desk model itself should be suited to your height. Be sure to check the desk's maximum height if you are considered tall, since some desktops may not be high enough to comfortably use while standing flat-footed in your office.

Also ask yourself: Is the desk deep enough for me, and what shape do I need? We saw a range of models in our research — some desks are narrower than others, and some are L-shaped. Consider the surface dimensions you'll need to fit all of your office essentials, such as a monitor (or two), laptop, mouse, keyboard, a coffee mug, notepad, etc. Ensure your standing desktop has enough space for everything without feeling cluttered, while also not exceeding any weight limits on the desk itself.

Adjustability: Ease of adjustability is key, and for the most part, our experts found electronic operation easier than manual. Though you can find some manually operated standing desks at a great value, we believe that being able to adjust your desk height with the press of a button makes you more likely to alternate between sitting and standing.

You should also consider motor output and noise. Not all standing desks use the same motor, so we recommend choosing one that works for you. If you plan on frequently adjusting, choose a motor that is quieter and capable of quickly lowering or raising the desk.

Ease of assembly: Standing desks typically aren't light, so pay careful attention to delivery style and any installation instructions. Some desks are more cumbersome to put together and may require two people.

Customization: Though you can buy a standing desk as is, some offer more room for customization than others. Does the desk have a range of desktop sizes to choose from? Various finishes to match your furniture? Can the legs be customized? Are there any accessories included or possible add-ons?

Durability and stability: A well-made standing desk should be durable and is expected to last several years, but it's always wise to check the manufacturer's warranty. Your desk should also be stable, meaning that it doesn't sway if you lean your elbows against it and there's not much shaking or moving when the height is adjusted.


What are the health benefits of a standing desk?

Multiple studies support the benefits of standing desk, which include increased productivity and lowering your risk of adverse health conditions caused by sedentary habits. Another study published by the CDC found that use of a sit-stand desk reduced upper back and neck pain by 54% after just 4 weeks. Additionally, people who use standing desks report feeling like they have more energy throughout the day. Standing for a few hours every day can improve the quality of your work day, which in turn improves the quality of your life.

FEZIBO height adjustable desk are not just stand-up inspirations but some standard rectangular desks, there are endless possibilities! 

The best low-cost stand up desk on the planet

FEZIBO is one of the best electric standing desk that benefits from top-notch build quality and prides itself on stability. An issue which can be found with some standing desks is that they might be a bit wobbly, particularly when extended to higher levels. Uplift is nicely stable, though, thanks to built-in stability braces.

Ever since FEZIBO l shaped standing desk came along and set a new benchmark for standing desks, a lot of inferior imitations have appeared. Many of them, unsurprisingly, have had price points lower than Jarvis. We took this as a challenge: could we create a standing desk that’s more accessible to budget-conscious customers without sacrificing quality? The answer, it turned out, was yes. And the result was FEZIBO,An l shaped standing desk.

One thing we knew from the start: we refused to reduce the desk to a single motor. Each lifting column on FEZIBO has its own dedicated motor which is key to providing a powerful, smooth, and stable lift when adjusting your desk height.

With a clean design and functionality as simple as it gets, FEZIBO height adjustable desk  fits right into the flow of any office, home, or dorm room. It’s a desk that enables you to sit, stand, lean, and stretch throughout the day, keeping you moving, engaged, and loving how you feel while you work.

FEZIBO height adjustable desk is topped with our beautiful, eco-friendly bamboo desktops. From top to frame, we've streamlined assembly to make it possible for you to have your desk up and running in fifteen minutes.

Type : Plat
Difficulté : Facile
Préparation : 15 minutes
Cuisson : 45 minutes
Pour : 4 personnes
  • 18 noix de Saint Jacques

  • 6 grosses pommes de terre

  • 6 feuilles de frisée

  • 50 cl de crème liquide

  • 20 g de beurre

  • 2 échalotes

  • 4 cuillères à soupe de girolles ou de trompettes de la mort séchées

  • 1 bouquet de persil

  • Sel et poivre

  • Réhydratez les champignons pendant 30 minutes dans un récipient avec un peu d'eau.
  • Lavez et essuyez les pommes de terre. Cuisez-les à l'eau bouillante salée, dans une casserole, pendant 30 minutes.
  • Egouttez les champignons et coupez-les en petits morceaux.
  • Hâchez les échalotes, faites-les suer 5 minutes dans 10 g de beurre et ajoutez les champignons. Salez, poivrez et poursuivez la cuisson pendant 5 minutes sur feu doux.
  • Saisissez les noix de Saint Jacques dans une poêle avec le reste de beurre pendant 2 minutes et coupez-les en petits dés.
  • Préchauffez le four à 210°C.
  • Dans une casserole, faites réduire la crème liquide de moitié. Incorporez hors du feu les noix de Saint Jacques et les champignons. Ajoutez le persil finement ciselé. Salez, poivrez et réservez.
  • Evidez les pommes de terre cuites et remplissez-les avec la préparation aux noix de Saint Jacques. Mettez-les dans un plat et enfournez pendant environ 5 minutes.

 Cet article vous est proposé par Certi'Ferme

Type : Dessert
Difficulté : Moyen
Préparation : 60 minutes
Cuisson : 30 minutes
Pour : 8 personnes
  • 1 pâte feuilletée pur beurre prête à l'emploi

  • 500 g de pommes (4 ou 5 fruits)

  • 200 g de coings

  • 200 g de poires

  • 2 cuillères à soupe de confiture d'abricot

  • 1 cuillère à soupe rase de gelsuc

  • Sucre cristal

  • Sucre glace (facultatif)

  • Beurre doux

  • Beurrez un cercle à tarte (ou à défaut un moule) et chemisez-le avec la pâte feuilletée (faites bien adhérer les bords et réalisez un angle droit bien net entre le fond et les bords). Piquez le fond au pique-vite ou à l'aide d'une fourchette et entreposez au réfrigérateur.
  • Épluchez et coupez en morceaux les coings, puis faites-les cuire 20 minutes dans une casserole d'eau sucrée.
  • Pendant ce temps, pelez et coupez les poires.
  • Réalisez une compote avec les dés de poires et du sucre (selon votre goût). Ajoutez ensuite les coings cuits à la compote (gardez un peu de liquide de cuisson des coings). Le poids des coings doit être à peu près égal au poids des poires.
  • Mixez le tout pour obtenir une purée, chinoisez et laissez refroidir.
  • Garnissez le fond de tarte avec la purée de fruits froide sur une épaisseur d'un centimètre environ (la quantité de purée dépend du goût de chacun).
  • Épluchez et tranchez les pommes (2 millimètres environ). Garnissez la tarte en disposant les tranches harmonieusement, inversez le sens des rangées successives afin qu'elles se chevauchent partiellement.
  • Remettez la tarte au froid pour 15 minutes environ. Préchauffez le four.
  • Faites cuire à 200-210°C pendant 30 minutes environ.
  • Diluez la confiture d'abricots avec 3 cuillères à soupe de sirop de cuisson des coings, ajoutez le gel suc et portez à ébullition. Chinoisez, puis abricotez la tarte au pinceau. Saupoudrez la périphérie de la tarte de sucre glace (j'y ai mis aussi des amandes hachées).

 Cet article vous est proposé par Certi'Ferme

Type : Dessert
Difficulté : Moyen
Préparation : 20 minutes
Cuisson : 18 minutes
Pour : 4 personnes
  • Pour la Génoise :

  • 1 filet de jus de citron

  • Cacao en poudre

  • 75 g de farine

  • 125 g de sucre

  • 5 œufs

  • 30 g de beurre fondu

  • Pour l'Orange Curd :

  • 15 cl de jus d'orange

  • 1 filet de jus de citron

  • 1 cuillère à soupe de maïzena

  • 30 g de sucre en poudre

  • 1 œuf + 1 jaune

  • Commencez par préparer l'orange curd. Pressez les oranges. Versez le jus dans une casserole avec le sucre, le citron, les oeufs battus en omelette et la maïzena.
  • Faites chauffer le mélange à feu doux en remuant, jusqu'à ce que le mélange épaississe. Cela prend une dizaine de minutes. Versez ensuite l'orange curd dans un pot.
  • Pour la génoise, séparez le blancs des jaunes d'oeufs, puis fouettez les jaunes avec le sucre jusqu'à ce que le mélange blanchisse. Ajoutez la farine en pluie, ainsi que le jus de citron et le beurre fondu. Ajoutez ensuite du cacao en poudre (j'ai mis environ 4 cuillères à soupe).
  • Montez les blancs en neige très ferme et ajoutez-les délicatement au mélange.
  • Versez la pâte sur une plaque de four recouverte de papier sulfurisé beurré et enfournez 8 minutes à 240°C.
  • Sortez le biscuit du four et laissez-le refroidir en le recouvrant d'un torchon humide. Décollez-le du papier sulfurisé en passant un pinceau humide sur la feuille.
  • Étalez l'orange curd sur le biscuit, roulez-le bien serré dans un film alimentaire, puis mettez-le au réfrigérateur pendant une heure environ, le temps qu'il durcisse un peu.

 Cet article vous est proposé par Certi'Ferme


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